4th Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Theme: Human beings as part of nature
26 July - 13 September 2009
(760 square kilometers, including Tokamachi city and Tsunan town)
Opening ceremony: 26 July
Θ http://www.echigo-tsumari.jp/2009en/artworks/index.php?id=468
The Dynamo Art Project / “CAP (Crystal Art Project)” at Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2009
A collaborative project centered around the Senda elementary school in Nigata.The project organized by artists, researchers, students, alumni of the Tokyo University of the Arts in cooperation with other educational institutions and local residents. Through workshops, exhibits, and other activities, seven groups involved in the “CAP (Crystal Art Project)” introduced art to the local community as means to cultivate culture. The Conquering Snow Art Dynamo Project is one of the seven projects.
Number of Artworks. 86
Conquering Snow Dynamo Art Project (Tokyo University of the Arts) 【Japan】
Conquering Snow Dynamo Art Project ,
Year. 2009, (26 July~13 September, 2009)
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial info:
# image top and bottom)
# image: video: `sentient Homology`, double channel, 16 minutes loop
# image: drawing `Anole`-mj, conte on paper, felt-tip, color pen