"Firoz's announced plan is to rescue icons from detritus, but something sinister is at play in these brutalist lines. The crazy cat's cradle across a former pugilist's face, a flesh-eating phantasm in it's pre-animation wireframe, is channeling Tyson's unmoored, chaotic, fractured id."
- Naeem Mohaiemen, writer & artist, Bangladesh, [Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 11:57 AM]
" Firoz has artfully and humorously explored social and emotive issues through his "NINKi :UoPD" Urgency of Proximate Drawings. I am surprised how he magically rescued the perturbed stars during their danger situation in the photographs. The drawing structures are drawn with geometric patterns that appear like protective hex symbols. All celebrities can eventually remain invincible in their popularity, protected by an uncanny force."
- Lucy Birmingham is a critic and journalist based in Tokyo. Her articles appeared in Japan Times, Time.com, Wall Street Journal, ARTFORUM Magazine, Artinfo.com, Artforum.com, ARTnews.
-"I need long time to plan, make policy and concept for the NinKi Proximate Drawings. I perceive every particular image and make a strategy that where the drawing structure is urgently needed for each sequence. That is my game plan to rescue all detested celebrities through my drawings" - FM
-"I ponder how to formulate and concept for the popular celebrities to support. It tense me while I devise to draw. I perceive every particular image and make a strategy that where the drawing can be structured. That is my game plan to rescue all detested celebrities through my drawings. I am superman artist can save them ? " - FM
-"I am a benevolent but poor artist who can protect vexed people or things in rich time" - FM
-"Each and Every Drawing has its own concept which can strategically change visual idea of the image. It sometimes brings my eyes into very depth of vision" - FM
-"The Urgency of Proximate Drawings are hidden in images but I can see through my power of lens and it urges me to draw on. I can not discover the drawings until I see the images of stars"
-"The Drawings are sexual than sex is appealed on sumo, they have not just been sexier than the drawings themselves" - FM
-"The each celebrity was popular and became odium and eventually regained popular ! "- FM
* [FM [Firoz Mahmud]
``Through a very unique point
of view, Firoz focuses on a
moment of people’s lives.
Although his method is very
simple, it reconstructs the
space in a very strong way.
His works give viewers a lot
of excitement. ``
- Ozawa Tsuyoshi, Artist
B.A.D. Museum of Contemporary Art || BAD MoCA
Fee`Rose Studio
Urgency of Proximate Drawing (NinKI : UoPD)